God never called us victims.
Your Life. Your Choice.
Are you living in victory, daily? Or are there cycles of behavior and negative thinking you just can't break out of? Do you feel defined by the bad things that have happened to you, the negative words spoken over you or even the color of your skin or your gender? As a black woman who has experienced childhood sexual abuse, teenage rape, an abusive first marriage and discrimination in the workplace, to name a few, Cynthia understands what it is to feel like a victim. But that's not where her story ends. Over the years God has given Cynthia tools to choose victory for her life - let her share them with you today and start CHOOSING victory for YOUR life! Because, victory really is a CHOICE!
Most people don’t choose to be victims. They just don’t know how to choose victory!
Talking Victory with Cynthia
Joni Table Talk
The 700 Club
Life Today
I Choose Victory walks you through the War Zones you’ll do battle in as you choose victory for your life
The Personal War Zone
This is where you’ll wage war against your personal stuff. All the things and people that hurt you, harmed you, broke you and disappointed you. It’s also where you’ll face down all that you feel is unfair in your life.
The Political War Zone
A nation filled with people who haven’t done the work in their personal war zone or their spiritual war zone is a nation divided and angry at itself and each other. Sound familiar?
The Spiritual War Zone
Where you’ll go to war against unbelief and where you’ll wage war against sin and failure and the mistaken ways you have learned to respond to your life and the circumstances and people in it.
The Victory War Zone
This zone represents where you’ll sometimes battle to remain in your choice and to walk in your victory. In this zone you’ll learn what your victory looks like to others and feels like to you.
“I love this book, but even more than that, I love Cynthia. She is my friend. She is real and raw and knows what it means to choose victory when there would be so many reasons to sit down in victimhood. Let’s lean in and listen.”
— Sheila Walsh | Author of ‘Praying Women’
“This is a book written by someone who has every right to play the “victim card”, but who has chosen instead to fight back by refusing that label. This isn’t a book about one woman who is stronger than everyone else; it is a roadmap for everyone to stand up for themselves by not letting the actions or opinions of others define who you are.”
— Darren Wilson | Founder & CEO of WP Films
“I have known and admired Cynthia for many years. Her voice is like no other in the media landscape for a reason: her life is like no other. When she writes about overcoming circumstances and moving from victim to victor, she not only talks the talk. She’s walked the walk.”
— Lee Habeeb | Vice President of Content for Salem Radio Network
“I feel like I was just mentored while I read I Choose Victory...I highly recommend this as a study book, for book clubs, or as a discipleship or mentoring guide for groups, individuals, and anyone who wants to walk with the victory that you can thrive in on this side of eternity.”
— Shawn Bolz | TV host, Author, Producer, Christian Minister